Thursday, July 31, 2014

TR90 Day 02

Today is my 2nd day to have Nuskin TR90. Here I share my daily menu :

Jump start x 1
TRA Complex x 1, Control x 1 (30 mins before breakfast)
Lifepak x 1 (after breakfast)

Fruits (Apple is the best choice, cherry tomato consider as fruit)

TRA Complex x 1, Control x 1 (30 mins before lunch)
Lifepak x 1 (after lunch)

Fruits (Apple is the best choice, cherry tomato consider as fruit)

TrimShake x 1
Vege + Fruits
(Remember don't take any protein and carbo)

I was eating wrongly on these two days, so I need to eat correctly from tomorrow. The first 15 days is the most important section for this whole program but I heard my friend said that no effect after one month.

I believe that I can do it because already spent a lot. 😂

Start from tomorrow I'll do morning jogging even I need to wash my long hair twice after that. But, for slim down I must do it because my boy said I became fatter n fatter 😢

Gogogo! #TR90 I must challenge myself!

I want to go back to my slim body!!

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